2014-03-13 16:54:45 UTC
Hello All,
If you want to learn more about aphids, then it's your lucky day:
We have been getting a lot of enquiries from researchers, wildlife
enthusiasts, gardeners and farmers who want to identify aphids - or want
aphids identified from photos. We've been trying to meet this need via a
series of web pages using high-quality pictures of live and preserved
aphid species along with key identifying features.
However at the last count the UK has at least 600 aphid species, many
very rare. Moreover, because this group has not been popular in the
past, more await discovery. Much to our delight quite a few people also
seem interested in aphid behaviour and ecology, whether as part of
biodiversity studies or as a research topic. Many aphids are attended
by (even rarer) ant species, or parasitized by parasitoids as yet
unrecorded in Britain. Most of these go unnoticed by your local
biodiversity recorder or wildlife trust.
We have recently started an Aphid Blog to record our own aphid finds
from month to month, along with notes on their behaviour and ecology. We
are also adding pages showing how to find aphids
<> and identify
he_basics.htm> .
You can find our latest posting on
We try to post every month, and more often when it seems worthwhile.
If you would like to comment, contribute, or correct our mistakes, or
request an identification, or add you own observations on ant-aphid
interactions, or predators or parasites, please email us at
info at
Photos are especially welcome, which (if you agree) we would love to
post on our website.
Best Wishes,
Bob Dransfield
Penny Green
BRC Manager
Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre | 01273 497521
Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act. Registered in England, Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. VAT Registration No. 191 305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 01273 492630
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If you want to learn more about aphids, then it's your lucky day:
We have been getting a lot of enquiries from researchers, wildlife
enthusiasts, gardeners and farmers who want to identify aphids - or want
aphids identified from photos. We've been trying to meet this need via a
series of web pages using high-quality pictures of live and preserved
aphid species along with key identifying features.
However at the last count the UK has at least 600 aphid species, many
very rare. Moreover, because this group has not been popular in the
past, more await discovery. Much to our delight quite a few people also
seem interested in aphid behaviour and ecology, whether as part of
biodiversity studies or as a research topic. Many aphids are attended
by (even rarer) ant species, or parasitized by parasitoids as yet
unrecorded in Britain. Most of these go unnoticed by your local
biodiversity recorder or wildlife trust.
We have recently started an Aphid Blog to record our own aphid finds
from month to month, along with notes on their behaviour and ecology. We
are also adding pages showing how to find aphids
<> and identify
he_basics.htm> .
You can find our latest posting on
We try to post every month, and more often when it seems worthwhile.
If you would like to comment, contribute, or correct our mistakes, or
request an identification, or add you own observations on ant-aphid
interactions, or predators or parasites, please email us at
info at
Photos are especially welcome, which (if you agree) we would love to
post on our website.
Best Wishes,
Bob Dransfield
Penny Green
BRC Manager
Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre | 01273 497521
Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act. Registered in England, Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. VAT Registration No. 191 305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 01273 492630
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