[Adastra] Save our Vanishing Grasslands
2014-04-08 12:07:14 UTC
Dear All,

Last week the Wildlife Trusts launched a "mini campaign": 'Save our
Vanishing Grasslands' <http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/grasslands> - with
the main element of the campaign being an e-petition:
www.wildlifetrusts.org/dontfadeaway. Signatures collected will be
presented to Owen Paterson in a few weeks.

Please have a read and sign the e-petition if you wish.

All best wishes, Penny

Penny Green
BRC Manager
Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre
http://sxbrc.org.uk | 01273 497521

Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act. Registered in England, Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. VAT Registration No. 191 305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 01273 492630
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