[Adastra] Brede High Woods - a wild story
2013-12-06 16:55:51 UTC
Hello All,

A new book celebrating a very special part of the High Weald, Brede High
Woods, has been written by our very own Patrick Roper and can now be
purchased online:


We're hoping to have some for sale at the Sussex Biological Recorders'
Seminar in February, if you can wait until then!

All best wishes, Penny

Penny Green
BRC Manager
Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre
http://sxbrc.org.uk | 01273 497521

Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act. Registered in England, Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. VAT Registration No. 191 305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 01273 492630
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