[Adastra] FW: Wildwood Conservation Courses Summer 2013
2013-05-28 12:26:21 UTC
And some more courses....

Penny Green
Species Officer
Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre
http://sxbrc.org.uk | 01273 497521

From: Wildwood Conservation Team [mailto:courses at wildwoodtrust.org]
Sent: 24 May 2013 14:08
To: Green, Penny
Subject: Wildwood Conservation Courses Summer 2013

Wildwood Conservation Courses Summer 2013

We offer courses and training for those wishing to develop their conservation skills. These day courses and workshops make use of our captive-bred animals, with informative lectures and practical sessions that take place out in the field.
We have expert tutors to impart their extensive knowledge and experience with close-up wildlife access and best practice animal handling experience.
These courses are suitable for all levels, from wildlife enthusiasts to the UK's leading consultants.
We can offer tailor-made training workshops for environmental organisations, including on-site training if appropriate.

Coming up this summer 2013....

Saturday 22nd June
Dormouse Ecology and Conservation
In partnership with the Mammal Society.
This one day course is recognised as the definitive course on dormouse ecology and monitoring. It is ideal for those with a general interest or those working towards their Dormouse Handling Licence. Included is a field visit to check nest boxes and information on relevant legislation.
?99 for individuals/ ?124 for groups. Please book with the Mammal Society on 02380 237 874 or www.mammal.org.uk

Saturday 29th June
Gardening for Wildlife
Learn the key features of a wildlife garden and how to encourage wildlife into yours. Learn how to grow a wildflower area and take a tour of Wildwood to see some of the animals that might visit your garden such as mice, bats, hedgehogs, slow worms, shrews and badgers (not all animals are guaranteed).
10am - 4pm ?30 per person

Saturday 6th July
Introduction to Dragonflies and Damselflies
A classroom-led presentation on the identification, life cycle and habitats of dragonflies and damselflies followed by a site visit to local ponds to observe and identify them in their natural habitat. Please note there is a 30-40min countryside walk to and from the site.
10am - 4pm ?30 per person

Saturday 13th July
Dormouse Handling and Surveying Workshop
A course for consultants and those training for their Dormouse Handling Licence. Places are limited to allow each participant time to handle, sex, weigh and assess age and breeding condition of a number of captive dormice under supervision.
11am - 3.30pm ?40 per person

Saturday 3rd August
The Ecology and Identification of Bumblebees
An introduction covering the life history and ecology of bumblebees as well as their decline and conservation. Learn about the Dungeness reintroduction project and visit a wildflower meadow to identify bumblebees in their natural habitat.
10am - 4pm ?30 per person

Thursday 8th August
Skull Preparation Course
Prepare a mammal skull for educational or reference collection use, plus what skulls can tell us about their former owners.
10.30am-4pm ?35 per person. Min age 18yrs

Saturday 10th August
Weeds and Wildflowers of Brownfield Sites
Dandelions, daisies and thistles have many look-alikes which can confuse the field botanist. We shall learn identification skills before exploring local sites to identify flowers in the field. Suitable for both ecologists and complete beginners.
10am - 4pm ?30 per person

Saturday 17th August
Dormouse Ecology and Conservation
In partnership with the Mammal Society.
This one day course is recognised as the definitive course on dormouse ecology and monitoring. It is ideal for those with a general interest or those working towards their Dormouse Handling Licence. Included is a field visit to check nest boxes and information on relevant legislation.
?99 for individuals/ ?124 for groups. Please book with the Mammal Society on 02380 237 874 or www.mammal.org.uk

Saturday 24th August
Dormouse Handling and Surveying Workshop
A course for consultants and those training for their Dormouse Handling Licence. Places are limited to allow each participant time to handle, sex, weigh and assess age and breeding condition of a number of captive dormice under supervision.
11am - 3.30pm ?40 per person

Saturday 14th September
Introduction to Spider Ecology and Identification
Learn how to identify spiders and understand their role in the ecosystem. Time will be spent out in the field finding spiders in their natural habitats and discussing their conservation.
10am-4pm ?30 per person

To book a conservation course please e-mail:
courses at wildwoodtrust.org
For information on Wildwood's conservation services, call 01227 711 471

Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act. Registered in England, Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. VAT Registration No. 191 305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 01273 492630
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