[Adastra] Gatwick River wildlife recording day
2014-07-28 15:26:39 UTC
Dear All,

Please find attached an advert for the Gatwick River wildlife day coming
up at the end of August.

I hope you can make it along! For more details, or to book onto any (or
all) of the free sessions, please call the Gatwick Greenspace
Partnership on 01293 550730 or email: gatwickgreenspace at sussexwt.org.uk

All best wishes, Penny

Penny Green
BRC Manager
Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre
http://sxbrc.org.uk | 01273 497521

Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act. Registered in England, Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. VAT Registration No. 191 305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 01273 492630
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2014-08-01 13:01:00 UTC
Surveying the misnamed 'Gatwick River' (actually the manipulated and re-directed River Mole and Mans Brook...and there is a separate Gatwick Stream) NOW is like putting fresh paint on 'The Portrait of Dorian Gray' (actually the sweet painted face of a corrupted and vile man, as those who have read the Oscar Wilde book will know).
Such volunteering will only help to paint Gatwick Airport as a sensitive and caring environmental manager, when it is intent on the destruction of a huge swathe of ancient, much loved and used and wildlife-rich countryside for a second runway.
What we need people to do is make records of...and get them to me...the wildlife of the landscape which Gatwick Airport has targetted for destruction. THAT is the task we should be advertising.
Get to it, you un-corrupted environmental recorders !!
Contact me,
Dave Bangs
bangs682 at btinternet.com
Tel 01273 620 815
----Original message----
From : PennyGreen at sussexwt.org.uk
Date : 28/07/2014 - 16:26 (GMTST)
To :
Subject : [Adastra] Gatwick River wildlife recording day
Dear All,

Please find attached an advert for the Gatwick River wildlife day coming up at the end of August.

I hope you can make it along! For more details, or to book onto any (or all) of the free sessions, please call the Gatwick Greenspace Partnership on 01293 550730 or email: gatwickgreenspace at sussexwt.org.uk

All best wishes, Penny

Penny Green
BRC Manager
Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre
http://sxbrc.org.uk |
01273 497521
Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act. Registered in England, Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. VAT Registration No. 191 305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 01273 492630
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Rachel Bicker
2014-08-01 13:16:00 UTC
Actually, some of that area IS the landscape which has potential to be destructed (the River Mole, Crawter's Brook and Man's Brook would be diverted again). SxBRC are receiving plenty of uncorrupted data from the whole of Gatwick since a partnership was set up... Gatwick can hide nothing.

This event is in aid of educating locals, encouraging biological recording and increasing data on Gatwick's landholdings. I also hope it will be a good bit of PR for the chaps at Gatwick Greenspace Parnership, who in my opinion are quite underrated by the airport.

Also, my apologies for the generic event name. River Mole Wildlife Recording Day at Gatwick seemed a bit of a mouthful, but maybe we should have stuck with it.

Be good to see you there Dave, I promise none of us will have Gatwick Airport staff badges on!

All the best

On Friday, 1 August 2014, 14:01, D BANGS <bangs682 at btinternet.com> wrote:

Surveying the misnamed 'Gatwick River' (actually the manipulated and re-directed River Mole and Mans Brook...and there is a separate Gatwick Stream) NOW is like putting fresh paint on 'The Portrait of Dorian Gray' (actually the sweet painted face of a corrupted and vile man, as those who have read the Oscar Wilde book will know).

Such volunteering will only help to paint Gatwick Airport as a sensitive and caring environmental manager, when it is intent on the destruction of a huge swathe of ancient, much loved and used and wildlife-rich countryside for a second runway.

What we need people to do is make records of...and get them to me...the wildlife of the landscape which Gatwick Airport has targetted for destruction. THAT is the task we should be advertising.

Get to it, you un-corrupted environmental recorders !!

Contact me,

Dave Bangs
bangs682 at btinternet.com
Tel 01273 620 815

----Original message----
From : PennyGreen at sussexwt.org.uk
Date : 28/07/2014 - 16:26 (GMTST)
Subject : [Adastra] Gatwick River wildlife recording day
Dear All,
Please find attached an advert for the Gatwick River wildlife day coming up at the end of August.
I hope you can make it along! For more details, or to book onto any (or all) of the free sessions, please call the Gatwick Greenspace Partnership on 01293 550730 or email: gatwickgreenspace at sussexwt.org.uk
All best wishes, Penny
Penny Green
BRC Manager
Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre
01273 497521
Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act. Registered in England, Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. VAT Registration No. 191 305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 01273 492630
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Sarah Patton
2014-08-01 13:23:29 UTC
Oh not again. Stop undermining the efforts of others because they don't suit your particular agenda. Implying that people are corrupt is unnecessary and rude.

From: D BANGS <bangs682 at btinternet.com>
To: Adastra discussion group <adastra at lists.sxbrc.org.uk>
Sent: Friday, 1 August 2014, 14:01
Subject: Re: [Adastra] Gatwick River wildlife recording day

Surveying the misnamed 'Gatwick River' (actually the manipulated and re-directed River Mole and Mans Brook...and there is a separate Gatwick Stream) NOW is like putting fresh paint on 'The Portrait of Dorian Gray' (actually the sweet painted face of a corrupted and vile man, as those who have read the Oscar Wilde book will know).

Such volunteering will only help to paint Gatwick Airport as a sensitive and caring environmental manager, when it is intent on the destruction of a huge swathe of ancient, much loved and used and wildlife-rich countryside for a second runway.

What we need people to do is make records of...and get them to me...the wildlife of the landscape which Gatwick Airport has targetted for destruction. THAT is the task we should be advertising.

Get to it, you un-corrupted environmental recorders !!

Contact me,

Dave Bangs
bangs682 at btinternet.com
Tel 01273 620 815

----Original message----
From : PennyGreen at sussexwt.org.uk
Date : 28/07/2014 - 16:26 (GMTST)
Subject : [Adastra] Gatwick River wildlife recording day
Dear All,
Please find attached an advert for the Gatwick River wildlife day coming up at the end of August.
I hope you can make it along! For more details, or to book onto any (or all) of the free sessions, please call the Gatwick Greenspace Partnership on 01293 550730 or email: gatwickgreenspace at sussexwt.org.uk
All best wishes, Penny
Penny Green
BRC Manager
Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre
01273 497521
Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act. Registered in England, Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. VAT Registration No. 191 305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 01273 492630
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