[Adastra] Bioblitzes and fungus foraging
Vivien Hodge
2013-10-31 18:53:51 UTC
Hi Folks

Below is an exchange I have had with the organisers of Bioblitz events
today. As you can see they are taking the issue of fungus conservation
very seriously. They will also be considering the situation of people using
the term 'BioBlitz' without registering the event with the National BioBlitz
Network, as is the case of the series of events held by Ms Waddingham this



Hi Vivien,

No problem. Feel free to share my response with those already involved in
this discussion.

Many thanks,



From: Vivien Hodge [mailto:vivien at vha123.plus.com]
Sent: 31 October 2013 16:04
To: matt at bnhc.org.uk
Subject: RE: Bioblitzes in Sussex

Dear Matt

Thank you for your prompt, and very useful reply. I look forward to
hearing the outcome of future discussions on this matter.

Would you mind if I forwarded your email to the Adastra Forum? This is a
forum co-ordinated by Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre where this current
discussion originated. It's members are recorders of a range of life forms
many of whom contribute to BioBlitz events.

Thanks again,


From: Matt Postles [mailto:matt at bnhc.org.uk]
Sent: 31 October 2013 15:10
To: vivien at vha123.plus.com
Cc: norman at britmycolsoc.info
Subject: RE: Bioblitzes in Sussex

Dear Vivien,

My name is Matt Postles and I currently coordinate the National BioBlitz
Network project for Bristol Natural History Consortium (BNHC). Thanks for
your email and for raising the important issue of the potential for
environmental damage as a result of activities taking place in the name of
'BioBlitz'. I understand your concerns and have contacted the British
Mycological Society for further guidance (I have copied Norman from BMS into
this email).

In it's current format, the National BioBlitz Network is a support network
for self identified BioBlitz events, providing publicity support and
guidance on best practice. The concept is open source and free from
copyright and we do not perform any credential, ethical or quality checks on
those who identify their own events as BioBlitzes. We have no legal right to
prevent anyone from using the name BioBlitz for their events, nor to exclude
anyone who wants to from engaging with the network and making use of the
resources offered as open source. In the case of Ms Waddingham, for example,
we (BNHC) have no authority to question the ethicality of her practice as
that is not the role of the project. Your enquiry raises some important
questions about whether a different approach is required to 'protect the
brand' of BioBlitz in future. Although she is on our mailing list, Ms
Waddingham has not registered her current series of events with us.

What we are able to do is facilitate discussion and offer guidance on best
practice. After consulting with the British Mycological Society on their
best practice guidelines for field mycology and foraging, I will be linking
to their resources on the BioBlitz website and raising the question of what
approach the network has/should have to brand management and selectivity of
events at next weeks BioBlitz Conference
<http://www.bnhc.org.uk/index.php?id=942> .

Thanks again for raising this issue and I hope that all makes sense. I look
forward to the discussion that your enquiry may prompt. Although the
conference is now sold out, we will have a live blog and be posting videos
from the event online.

Kind regards,

Matt Postles


Matt Postles

Project Manager, Bristol Natural History Consortium

Maxet House, 28 Baldwin Street, Bristol, BS1 1NG

T: +44 0117 3178751

E: <mailto:matt at bnhc.org.uk> matt at bnhc.org.uk W: <http://www.bnhc.org.uk/>
www.bnhc.org.uk T: <https://twitter.com/BioBlitzUK> @BioBlitzUK FB:
/UKBioBlitz <http://www.facebook.com/UKBioBlitz>

Bristol Natural History Consortium is a collaboration between Avon Wildlife
Trust, BBC Natural History Unit, Bristol City Council, Bristol Zoo Gardens,
Environment Agency, Defra, National Trust, Natural England, University of
Bristol, University of the West of England, and Wildscreen

Registered Charity: 1123432


From: Vivien Hodge [mailto:vivien at vha123.plus.com]
Sent: 31 October 2013 11:32
To: ben at bnhc.org.uk
Subject: Bioblitzes in Sussex

Dear Ben

I am very concerned about the number of Bioblitzes in Sussex being run by
Melissa Waddingham. This is a known fungus forager who collects for the pot
(not to be confused with forayers who simply record fungi). Whilst she may
not encourage or collect for the pot during these events, when various
ecologists and conservationists are present, I believe there is a high risk
of her using the information gathered during the Bioblitz as a means of
locating sites of edible fungi for future use for the pot.

One glance at her website should ring alarm bells for any conservationist;
allowing her to run these events simply sends out the wrong message. Fungi
are an essential and very interesting Kingdom deserving of just as much
protection as the Plant and Animal Kingdoms; they should not simply be
regarded as a resource for exploitation.

There is very great concern amongst many eminent mycologists about the
inevitable depletion of genetic diversity resulting from collection of
fungal fruit bodies, especially of the Boletes, 47% of which are now Red
Listed and of grave conservation concern in the UK, this is the group most
often targeted by foragers. You will be aware of the massive problems
already occurring throughout the south east due to over-collection and
indiscriminate collection of fungi. The current predilection for wild
fungi is simply not sustainable with the size of our population in relation
to fungus populations and available habitat.

In view of the above please can you do all that you can to put a stop to any
future Bioblitzes run by Melissa Waddingham. It is probably too late for
the next one, which is due to take place at a National Trust property on
Southwick Hill, West Sussex tomorrow.


Vivien Hodge

Vivien Hodge, Arboricultural Consultant and Mycologist,

4 Moore Court, Granary way, Horsham, RH12 1XS

Tel 01403 274211; email vivien at vha123.plus.com

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